
「そしてそれゆえ、知識そのものが力である」 (Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.) 〜 フランシス・ベーコン

Importing inline functions in MinGW


warning: '~~~' redeclared without dllimport attribute

c++ - Importing inline functions in MinGW - Stack Overflow


I'm using a shared library that defines inline functions in its header.
Here is a reduced test case, as seen by the compilation unit linking to the library 
(for the version seen by the library, just replace dllimport by dllexport).


class __declspec(dllimport) MyClass {
    int myFunc2();
    int myFunc1();

inline int MyClass::myFunc2(void) {
    return myFunc1();

inline int MyClass::myFunc1(void) {
    return 0;
Compiling this gives the warning:


warning: 'int MyClass::myFunc1()' redeclared without dllimport attribute after being 
referenced with dll linkage [enabled by default]
Please note that the order in which the functions are defined is important, 
as putting the definition of myFunc1 before the definition of myFunc2 results in no warnings.

Note also that this code compiles without warnings under Visual C++. 
These warnings are specific at least to MinGW, maybe to GCC in general. 
Edit: it came to my mind that I may have to verify if the warning is not 
inhibited by one of the flags set by the project.

My questions are then:

・ Why this behavior ?
・ Declaring myFunc1 as inline inside the class declaration fixes the problem. 
Why is that ? It's also against the recommended way of doing things.
・ Is there another (better ?) way to fix this problem ?


また、このコードはVisual C++では警告なしにコンパイルできます。これらの警告は少なくともMinGWに特有のもので、同様にしてGCCにも同じことが起こるかもしれません。




The problem comes about because of some magic in the way that dllimport works 
which normally means you only need it on the first declaration.

Basically, when you declare a function as dllimport and then later redeclare 
the function with an identical declaration except for the dllimport, 
the second declaration implicitly gets the dllimport. If the redeclaration is 
NOT identical, it doesn't get the implicit dllimport.

So what happens here is you first declare the function as dllimport/non-inline, 
and then declare it as non-dllimport/inline. Adding an inline to 
the first declaration fixes the problem, as the second then becomes implicitly dllimport. 
Alternately, adding a __declspec(dllimport) to the second declaration should fix the problem.

Note that reordering the definitions gets rid of the warning, 
since the warning is about using it before redeclaring it. With a reorder, 
you're no longer using it before the redeclaration, so you get no warning, 
though it will be using the non-dllimport version 
(ie, it will never use the version of the function from the dll).

Note also, using inline dllimport is dangerous. 
Any program built against the dll might use 
the inline function in some places and the non-inline function (from the dll) in others. 
Even if the two functions are identical NOW, a future version of the dll might change and 
have a different implementation. 
At which point the old program might start misbehaving if run with the new version of the dll.








全然知らんかったけど、dllimport, dllexportはWindows特有のものらしい。

参考1:ダイナミック リンク ライブラリ(DLL)の基礎知識
参考2:VC++DLL作成補足(Hishidama's VC++Memo "DLL")




MinGW + libtoolを使ってソースコードを単にDLLにする場合、dllimport/dllexportはいらない